FM (TDFM 9100) w/control heads in cockpit and cabin
G1000H Synthetic Vision Cards
Garmin GTX330 Mode S Transponder
Lead Acid Battery
NAT Digital ICS (x2)
NVG Conversion Package
Radar Altimeter 1
SkyConnect w/MMU in cockpit and cabin
TCAS (TAS compatible with G1000)
Upgraded Aircraft Battery (27Ah in lieu of 22Ah)
XM Weather (Satellite Weather Receiver)
Active Noise Reduction Headsets (ANR) (x2)
Air Conditioner (Air Comm Corp. w/dual evaporators)
Bear Paws w/Wear Plate Kit
Dual Controls
ELT C406-2HM
Inlet Barrier Filter
LED Beacon Light
LED Navigation Lights
LED Tail Rotor Lights (Tel Tail)
Locking Fuel Cap 1
Pilot & Co-Pilot Reinforced Windshields (x2)
Pilot & Co-Pilot Windshield Wiper System (x2)
Retractable Landing Light, 450W
Sliding Windows on Pilot & Co-Pilot Doors (x2)
Tail Rotor Pedal Lockout & Extension Kits
Tanis Heater (M/R G/B, T/R G/B, Engine & Hyd. Tank
iPad Pocket/Map Pocket & Additional Pouches
Base with composite top and two drawers
Three Forward FWD facing seats
Three AFT Forward facing seat
4-point shoulder harness with inertial reels and black colored safety belts for all passenger seats
Utility Liners Panels
Seat cushions
Cabin floor loncoin mat
3-point shoulder harness w/inertia reels for all pax seats (x3)
Aft Facing sliding/rotating seat
Baggage Compartment Extension (1.9m)
Foldable fwd facing seats w/headrests (x2)
Special Rubber Floor Carpet
Additional Brownline and Shoreline Power Connections
EMS Interior - Single Stretcher Installation - Removable Parts – includes: Medical cabinet w/oxygen system provisions, stretcher platform, foldable stretcher, interior cargo net, co-pilot aft rotating seat
EMS Interior - Single/Dual Stretcher - Fixed Parts - includes liners with EMS provisions, stretcher platform provisions, cargo net provisions, floor equipped with rails/drains, EMS electrical system, 3rd ICS Station in cabin
IV Hooks
IV Warmer
Isolette Deck w/Mount for D Cylinder
LED Loading Lights (x4)
LED Pulsed Landing Lights
Medical Mount Care Fusion LTV1200
Medical Mount Mini-Med Pump
Medical Mount Propaq Zoll MD - Rear Roof LH Corner
Oxygen Bottle Mount (in cabin)
Second Stretcher
Suction System (Suction Regulator LH Valance)
Super Night Scanner Searchlight
Wire Strike Protection System
Air Intake/Exhaust Covers
Ground tools kit (incl. tow bar, ground wheels, lifting tool)
Pitot Tube Covers (x2)
Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) and Technical Publications